Importance of good communication allow a firm to learn a new skills and technology. Due to good communication firm become more responsive to costumers. Firm improve quality for their products or any services. To achieving all these objectives good communication is necessary and so it is needed by every firm's manager.

Communication Process consist of Two Phases:

  1. Transmission Phase
  2. Feedback Phases 

Transmission Phase: Transmission phase means information is shared by two or more people.

Feedback Phase:        Feedback phase is a common understanding is assured

Communication process start with sender who want to share information.
Noise is anything which harm the communication process.

Messages are transfer to the receiver through the medium, that medium can be letter, email, mobile etc.

What is medium
 Medium is the pathway the messages are transmitted on like phone letter.

What is Receiver
Receiver is any person getting the messages. Receiver decodes the messages.

What is Decoding
Decoding allow the receiver to understand the messages.

Encoding of the messages can be verbally and non verbally.

Verbal is spoken or written. where as Non verbal is facial gesture, body language, dress.

Note: This is very short paragraph of Communication process, For Complete and Detailed Lecture download link is given below. This lecture is given by Sir Zahid Memon.


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