What is Black Hole

Black Hole is anything has empty space. it is a great amount of substance filled into a very small area think of a star eleven times extra massive than the Sun squeezed into a sphere approximately the diameter of Karachi City. It is a gravitational field so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. In recent years, NASA instruments have painted a new picture of these strange objects that are, to many, the most fascinating objects in space.

black holes regardless of its size, is born when a giant star runs out of energy. The star implodes, and its center failures under its own weight. This causes an explosion called a supernova. The giant star is eventually squashed into a supersmall dot you can’t see.

Black hole’s attractive force or gravity, is so much strong enough that it wrenches in anything that gets near to it. It can even swig entire stars. Nothing can move fast enough to escape a black hole’s gravity. This includes light, the fastest thing in the universe. That’s why we can’t see black holes in space—they've gobbled up all the light. 

There are two types of black holes exist

1.      Supermassive black holes
2.      stellar black holes

The intensity gravity near a black hole makes time behave in strange ways. 

It is difficult to see a black for common man even an astronaut could take a short trip near a black hole and return to Earth after years, decades, or even centuries had passed there. 

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