SrchSafe - A Security to History


Now using SrchSafe, store every search you ever have ever typed. SrchSafe can save your privacy beyond everything else. SrchSafe is useful when the dangers of other large firms and individual persons, your friends or girlfriends try to gain acess to your private history, because srchsafe protect you from these type vulgarities. In order to search the things safely on web or google srchsafe protect you. Don’t worry about your secret history that srchsafe store itself.

Srchsafe don’t Collect and Share your Secret History

It’s above the law to expose the personal secret history of someone with the world, so don’t’ worry about srchsafe, it is made for you to protect you from other spy agents or your greedy friends.

High Level Standards of Security

Whereas, there are many websites which uses SSL security to guarantee that the connection between your website and web browser is encrypted. When looking through your browser history on a normal search engine anyone can see what you’ve been searching for. When using SrchSafe, searching through your browser history will not disclose any of your searches history, and even clicking on one of the links will not show what you searched for, because we take your privacy seriously.

These days most of the websites uses analytical system, google analytical to examine or investigate their database and save information that who is spying and trying to access their websites.

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